Developer Guide

Running unit tests

Run quick tests:

$ make test

Run all tests (slow, online):

$ make testall

Check pep8:

$ make pep8

Running WPS service in test environment

For development purposes you can run the WPS service without nginx and supervisor. Use the following instructions:

# get the source code
$ git clone
$ cd malleefowl

# create conda environment
$ conda env create -f environment.yml

# activate conda environment
$ source activate malleefowl

# install malleefowl code into conda environment
$ python develop

# start the WPS service
$ malleefowl

# open your browser on the default service url
$ firefox http://localhost:5000/wps

# ... and service capabilities url
$ firefox http://localhost:5000/wps?service=WPS&request=GetCapabilities

The malleefowl service command-line has more options:

$ malleefowl -h

For example you can start the WPS with enabled debug logging mode:

$ malleefowl --debug

Or you can overwrite the default PyWPS configuration by providing your own PyWPS configuration file (just modifiy the options you want to change):

# edit your local pywps configuration file
$ cat mydev.cfg
level = WARN
file = /tmp/mydev.log

# start the service with this configuration
$ malleefowl -c mydev.cfg